
Online Friendships

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What defines friendships and what exactly do you consider a “friend”? According to most common dictionaries, friendship is a mutual relationship between two or more people. The key word there is “mutual” and who is to say that this does not apply towards relationships made online? Are they not people with whom one shares a bond of mutual affection? Online based friendships are a vital establishment to modern society because of how easily it can be formed, common interests one share and for privacy reasons. Friendships that are formed over the internet are usually the ones form easily. It can start off as simple as somebody re-blogging an insightful quote from somebody’s Tumblr page to simply saying something flattering to that person such as “Your hair looks amazing!” With an effortless “Thank you!” in reply can lead to forming a friendship with a complete stranger. Also, this is a way that allows one to obtain a few friends, maybe even hundreds if one is that attached to their computer screens. In general, the amount of friendships that can be formed is unlimited. Not to mention the number of different people one can get to know through the internet. For instance, one can meet somebody from Australia and suddenly be able to know everything about that country, culture, lifestyle and so much more. It can literally take a matter of days to establish a good solid relationship with a person online. These friendships can also be established by the common interests people hold online. Especially in today’s society where so many obsessive fandoms, where people have an interest in a pairing, are being created out of everything from books to television shows. Being part of a fandom is essentially like belonging to a cult, once one is stuck by it then they must fight for it and gush about it nonstop every single time it is mentioned in a conversation. If one were to find someone that shares a similar interest in the pair Cla

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