When I read a few pages of the book I was very confused and curious on how a manager handle, administer, supervise, control and lead an organization in just a minute, same emotions with the bright young man who was looking for an effective manager. I was getting more enthusiastic reading each word, every second, each minute, each hour, and each day. Reading the book is like watching movie waiting for the best part and best scene that will occur. The books we find most insightful are usually the ones that remind us of things we've simply forgotten. They don't teach us something new, they simply remind us in a unique and powerful way of something we already knew. The book tells the story of a manager who wants to discover the secrets of one minute management by talking to the employees of the One Minute Manager. It's all about managing people and how to invest with people to attain result in the organization. Personally I feel the book very readable and much more accessible than many heavy texts on managing people. However, before I give some critic on the book, it is essential that we take time to talk briefly about definitions of management and role of managers as a whole because it will gives us clarity if the one minute manager really an effective manager. Management is a process of assembling and utilizing resources “human, financial, material and information “ in a goal directed manner to accomplish tasks in an organization. (J.S. Black and L.W. Porter) More than anybody else, a leader and manager make difference in attaining success in an organization. Their roles focus on creating a vision for the organization or units which then turn to goals and objectives of the entire organization, promotes major changes in goals and procedures, the one who influence and inspire his/her subordinates to cooperate and participate in the attainment of desired goals and objectives which make the whole organization work efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, it includes in their function as dealing with interpersonal conflict, coping with complexities, planning, organizing, leading, monitoring and evaluating. Upon their shoulders lay the future of the organization. Committed, dedicated and competent, they wield enormous influence in instilling the best possible ways to accomplish their set goals and objectives. (J.S. Black and L.W. Porter) The Key Messages Of The One Minute Manager Too many organizations leave employees uncertain over what is expected of them and provide little feedback until the annual review. At that time a series of criticisms are laid out with modicum of praise but neither the manager nor employee can remember the details. At other times, managers are quick to blame employees for things going wrong and will criticize in a way that leaves the employee resenting the way he or she has been treated by the manager. The One Minute Manager boils management down to three actions - goal setting, praising and reprimands on the basis that clear objectives and quick, accurate feedback are the basis for improved performance. The Criticism on the One Minute Manager When I finish reading it, I am very delighted that I learned something which then becomes one of my strategies in managing my school. Those which I think has a positive effect will be use of course, as I go along with my journey as school manager. The approach mention was indeed very effective for some managers and can be utilized also in some organizations. The approach can be use in some organizations if a company has quality employees and effective leaders. However in our context in the Philippines, the approach of management used in the book is possible as well but a challenging endeavor and needs extraordinary effort in improving our managing performance, considering the fact that our country belongs to the most corrupt country in the world. A clip from the "One Minute Manager" himself enunciated that as managers you have three choices in achieving or making One Minute Management successful. First, you can hire winners. They are hard and they cost money. Or, second, if you can't find a winner, you can hire someone with the potential to be a winner. Then you systematically train that person to become a winner. If you are not willing to do either of the two, then there is only the third choice left “prayer.": Through the word of the One Minute Manager we can equate and proves the importance of human resource control process; a quality input brings about quality output or results. The more stringent the control over the quality of inputs (pre-control), the less need for control at the later two stages which is the concurrent control and post control. (According to J.S. Black and L.W. Porter) Let us review the three secrets of the "One Minute Management , I was astound at the first time on how the One Minute Manager able to administer these kind of approach for his employees which becomes very effective in their company in jus