
American Values - Enchanted Individualism

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Have you ever heard any society without values and assumptions? Your answer is probably no. American people also have values and assumptions. Their most important value is absolutely individualism and they are trained for very early ages for having a strong individualistic character in order to shape their own situations and fate. Thus, the Americans ought to be individualistic to make their own decisions, to be independent, to have a free life. American people usually decide their own decisions because, they are trained when they are very young. This early education teaches their children to make their own decisions. As the Althen said in 2003: I was at a local shopping mall, waiting in line to buy an Orange Julius. Behind me in the line was a woman with two children, a boy who was about three years old.. The boy asked his mother, “Can I get an Orange Julius?” “No” she said to him, “You don’t have enough money left for an Orange Julius when you have enough money we can come back and you can buy an Orange Julius”. This mother forced her children for to make his own decisions because, her child should learn how to make his own decisions. When people heard this story, they probably disbelief because, this child is very young and he couldn’t decides himself. However, Americans could understand this mother. The big picture is that people ought to learn to make their own decisions and with this trait Americans tend to be starting individual earlier than other people. It is significant to have an independent life for Americans and they assume everyone else in the world too. How can people show independence? They can show if they have a special area which means, a home or a room. American people know how they show their independence and they mostly live a separate home when they graduated from high school because they ought to be independent. If they cannot live a separate home, they pay their parents for living with them.

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