
The Complexity of Women in Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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Mama, the narrator for "Everyday Use," by Alice Walker, gives us a view into her world and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. Within such a small amount of pages, Walker was able to tell a compelling story with dynamic characters that adds little zest to the story. Walker does an excellent job at avoiding stock characters, stereotypes, by giving each character a background story that allows them to developed as the story progresses. In addition to avoiding these archetypes it makes the characters seem more plausible. Both Mama and Maggie are consistent with their action in the story, while Dee's demeanor and actions are paradoxical. While on the other hand Mama and Dee seem to be adequately motivated while Maggie is lacking inducement; in addition, all the characters are plausible. Maggie is shy and submissive daughter, who still lives with her mother As young girl, Maggie experience her home being burnt down by the treacherous fire that also left scars all over her body. This is major factor that causes her to behave this way, and Walker also stated that due to her scars she's quite envious of her older sister's appearance: "[...] She will stand hopelessly in corners of the bum scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. This also is evidence to support that Maggie is lacking motivation, and as a result of these scars she remains dependent on Mama. Her lack of inducement remains constant throughout the story. It manifested when Dee selflessly decided that she was going to inherit the family quilt, Maggie was upset eventually allows Dee to own the quilt: "She can have them Mama [...] . Although she does not want to give the quilt up, she's willing to sacrificing her own happiness for her sister's. These are one of the several trait that gives Maggie a more realistic aura, because there are many people out there who are left with permanent scars due to an event that will cause them to act more

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