Many years ago people got married to have children right after they finished school. They had not just two or three children, but they lived in a big family with a lot of kids and grandparents too. This was the family model and the socially acceptable and accepted way to live at that time. But times are changing. Nowadays much less couples get married or have children. There are four types of people: they get married and have children (which is the best and based on the old family-model); they get married but never have children; never get married but have children or neither of them: never get married and never get children. The last one is not luckily very often. Many people think that it is immoral to live together without being married. But it also can be useful. A couple should live together before they get married to get to know each other’s bad habits for example. On the other hand a lot of couples decide that they spend their money on traveling or buying a home instead of organizing a wedding. Or they think that a document is just a piece of paper and it would not change anything between them. Some people think that a child should be born in a family where the parents are married. But sometimes the pregnancy comes before the marriage and some people think that not being married will affect the children’s life. So the couple immediately organizes a small wedding with the closest friends and family just in case. Obviously it is better for the kids – and the parents also – to live in a family where the lives are officially connected. What really can affect children’s later life is the father and mother role model. They should see what a real father and mother can be like. It is important to play, have fun and talk a lot. Marriage is a commitment, based on love, understanding and accepting and the child-parent relationship is kind of the same thing. In my opinion it is important to be married. There is a difference bet