From one day to another many go about self-absorbed and worried about what others think about them, afraid of being different, which produces cruelty in humans as expressed in Lauren Slater's Opening Skinner's Box and Stanley Milgram's "The Perils of Obedience."Especially in times of need people will reject their moral values in order to fit modern society view of how to behave, instant gratification, avoiding pain, and serving the self instead of the rest. It is why the subjects in Milligram's preferred their selfish needs of pleasing authority to make themselves feel good instead of scorn from disobeying the authority. It is why people behave cruelly because they rather conform in serious situations, even if life threatening, by shifting responsibility or obeying authorities to be on good terms with what society deems "normal . People even intentionally ignore like in the case of kitty Genovese by making excuses to make they not seem like sadistic monster by blaming failure to take action because they were looking for direction also known as pluralistic ignorance. Mostly because the witnesses didn't want to be involved, reason being there was nothing in it for them; they would rather not feel pain that they let someone suffer like kitty that was assaulted by a serial killer on several occasions. On many occasions people are cruel because the need to please themselves and feel rewarded for what they did outpaces their ability to hold on to their moral values, thus being cruel. The prime example is the famous Milgram experiment, in which an authority figure was present to make the teacher (subject) shock the learner (actor) if the learner answered work pair incorrectly, all done to "test the effect of punishment on learning . For the most part the experimenter expected people to make decisions on moral ideology when deciding to progressively shock the learner to extreme levels. One example was a woman by the name of Gretchen Brandt a subject who was following the procedures of shocking until the learner was expiring pain and started to question whether to go on. Soon thereafter the complaints of the learner make her question her actions and says, "shall I continue and soon after the experimen