One of the biggest tasks on our nation's proverbial "to-do list is to mend our wounded economy. It is time to face the fact that we must pursue new tactics and delve into every possible nuance of stimulus out on the American frontier. Bail-outs and stimulus checks are all well and good, but they are not enough to pull us out of the muck. It is time for us to set aside these age-old restrictions and allow ourselves to help ourselves. A renewable resource of revenue is burning away right before our eyes. It has the potential to bring in so much money for our communities. I am speaking, of course, about marijuana. Marijuana, when regulated, would be a cash cow that is too valuable to pass up. When speaking about the legalization of marijuana, the initial reaction in the past has always been to cry out against it. People worry about drug abusers and our children being corrupted by "Mary Jane. What people fail to realize is that whether or not it is legal, it is out there and it will always be out there in the pockets and hands of any random passerby on the street. The government is currently spending copious amounts of money trying to eliminate a drug that only continues to literally grow and grow right before everyone's eyes. Why are we not cashing in on this enormous market? The states of Oregon, Washington, and Colorado have already legalized the possession of the drug and have not looked back. They are leading by example and are just a sign of what is to come. If the nation were to follow in the footsteps of these three bold states, we could potentially see Uncle Sam's pockets get a whole lot deeper. Whether or not you think that pro-marijuana advocates are just "blowing smoke, the results will speak for themselves. David Von Drehle quotes Brian Vincente, "Generally, I think Coloradans realize that marijuana prohibition is a spectacular failure. It failed on almost every front. It was incredibly costly and damaging to people'