
Poem: somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond

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In the many writings from when man started writing, love has been widely written about. In the poem industry, Edward Cummings wrote a particularly eye catching one. In the poem “Somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond” expresses that people should sacrifice for unspoken, pure, and true love through imagery, metaphors, and symbolism. The narrator uses strong imagery to express deep love for this girl he would die for. In the poem he writes “in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, or which I cannot touch because they are too near” (Cummings 3-4). He explains that in her most small movements enrapture him with feelings he can’t touch because they are inside of him. With gestures so small make such an impact on him any sacrifice would merely petty for the love of his life. Another example is when the narrator writes “you open always petal by petal myself as spring opens (touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose” (Cummings 7-8). The narrator describes his love for his soul mate by mysterious touching way. Also using the images of nature and sunlight show him open up without any literal touch. Having never felt these feelings before this girl makes him open up himself to her taking the risk of getting broken for something beautiful. Lastly the literary critic Jay Protacio writes “By the use of several tools of imagery, Cummings was able to depict the power of the muse over the poet, how she could easily open and close the doors of his emotions. And even with Cummings’ futile resistance, the muse is able to skillfully open and close him without even trying.” As the critic explains the undeniable power she has over the narrators emotions; it explains how his emotions are manipulated him. Her power over him can make him sacrifice for her without her even knowing what she is doing to him. His compelling imagery contrasts his undeniable love for this girl that will never tarnish in the na

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