Introduction a) How human beings relate with each other on a daily basis (Human sociology). b) Factors that have promoted human dignity and human interaction in the society Discussion a) The Roman Catholic Church's stand on the issue of human dignity. b) Human dignity as expressed by Pope John XXIII in "Pacem in Terris c) Who the "Pacem in Terris was addressed to and what was going on during its publishing. d) The sections of "Pacem in Terris and what they sought to address related to human dignity e) Other philosophers teachings on the importance of preserving human dignity Thesis restatement on "Pacem in Terris teachings and the stand of the Catholic Church on human dignity as well as that of other famous philosophers. Human Dignity at the Heart of Catholic Social Justice Teachings in Pacem in Terris There are different ways that human beings relate with one another. How human being relates to each other on a daily basis says a lot about them (Paley 21). From the past, scientists have been trying to come up with the best terminologies in trying to explain these relations, but so far no terminology serves better than the word sociology. In definition, sociology study specializes on understanding human species. This is in understanding their origins, their different organizations, institutions and development methods. In the past, there were different customs that were used to define peoples' sociology interests, political ones, religion and many others. However, in the recent past, the human species has advanced in their sociology manners due to factors like globalization and multiculturalism (Paley 37). Multiculturalism is a terminology used in referring to people of different cultural backgrounds, working together to achieve a certain goal. Globalization is a term used in expressing connectivity between people across the globe. Sociology of religion can be defined as study of different practices in term of religion and their beliefs. However, this study has to be done in accordance with the instigated tools and methodologies used in sociology. Sociology in religion is an important aspect of life. As a result, many researchers are feeling the urge to find out how it affects he peoples' lives on a daily basis. There are those who came up with different theories in explaining why religion in sociology is so important, and how it affects the people. According to Ronald, sociology in religion dictates a lot of on what people in certain religions do on a daily basis. This is because there are some religions that condone different activities at different times of the year, or during their religious calendars. Looking at human dignity as it is taught and emphasized on in sociology of religion, the Roman Catholic Church clearly emphasizes on the issue. Human dignity is one of the most significant topics that the Roman Catholic Church emphasizes on in its teachings (Riga 86). Sometimes Roman Catholic Church teachings and their practicing are referred to as Catholicism. This is a topic that was also well stressed in the infamous papal encyclical issued on 11th April 1963 by Pope John XXIII. This papal encyclical well known as "Pacem in Terris means; peace on earth and it addressed not only Catholics, but "all men of good will (Ramsey 06). Theologically, it marked a significant shift to catholic church teaching which were mainly based on the concept of natural law to an approach of which was more inductive since it were based on activities that were going on at the time. One of the most notable events was the Cold War which was underway at the time this encyclical's release. Therefore, this "peace encyclical sought to address the issue of dignity of the human life and why it ought to be protected regardless of the Cold War (John 11). In fact, this encyclical was issued by Pope John the XXIII after Germany had been divided by the Berlin wall. This was erected to divide the west and the east of the country. It was also well timed to invoke the issue of human dignity and the worth of human lives after the infamous Cuban crisis. In this encyc