In “How To Tame a Wild Tongue” Gloria Anzaldua portrays that someone’s identity comes from the language they speak. A lot can be assumed by what language someone speaks. But the language that you speak is apart of your culture, it is who you truly are and it is what defines you the most, more than any other thing, as a person. Without our native language we as people would be nothing. Anzaldua repeatedly expresses how speaking her Chicano language and being frowned down on is very frustrating to deal with. The treatment she receives from people when she speaks makes her feel like she is being robbed from whom she is. Later she realizes that rather than her satisfying English speakers she will always speak her language regardless of anyone’s feelings. She comes to a conclusion that no language could ever be wrong because at the end of the day someone’s language is his or her identity. Anzaldua uses diction, personal stories, and quotes to successfully argue that in order for one to have a sense of happiness with in them they must accept the illegitimacy of their wild tongue. Despite the clash of two power struggling cultures Anzaldua is able to see beyond the negatives of diversity in both Chicano and Anglo cultures and takes pride in her identity. Anzaldua speaks “Spanglish” throughout her essay. For readers that consider Spanish a foreign language, reading her essay could have possibly been very frustrating. In her essay she writes, “I want you to speak English. “Pa’ hallar buen trabajo tienes que saber hablar el inlges bien. Que vale toda tu educacion si todavia hablas ingles con un ‘accent’,” mortified I spoke English like a Mexican.(150)” Anzaldua uses this kind of diction very creatively, giving the readers who don’t speak Spanish and English is their native tongue, a little taste of how she feels all the time. “Humildes yet proud, quietos yet wild, nosotros los mexicanos Chicanos will walk by