With humility and hopefulness, I apply for the Dream Fund Bursary. My name is Kayla Lajeunesse. I am currently in grade 12 attending Frank Hurt Secondary, an inner-city school in the Newton neighbourhood of Surrey, BC. I have an Honour Role standing, and maintain active involvement in my school and community. In everything I do, I feel the need to push beyond my capabilities, to reach above and beyond. Since I first began school, I've enjoyed it. From kindergarten to grade 7, I attended George S. Vanier Elementary in the Surrey School district. In grade 8, I transitioned into Frank Hurt Secondary, the nearest high school. Over the last five years at Frank Hurt, I have not only enjoyed school, but learned to take it seriously as an opportunity to enrich my future. From Planning 10, I have realized that education is the path to a good life. Your whole future depends on it. I knew immediately that I wanted to pursue post secondary Education. Last year my passion for continuing education was further inspired by my experience in a concurrent studies course at Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Surrey Campus. I believe in lifelong learning; I believe if you are not learning, whether it is ˜life learning' or formal schooling, you are not living up to your highest potential. I have had many constructive influences that have shaped my enthusiasm for social work. I believe that the role of a social worker can make a difference. Even if it is a small thing, like helping to get dental work, or advocating for the betterment of the child. If you are a social worker you have the privilege to empower strong decision-making that can help enhance a child's life. I want to be a life advisor, a fearless women, and a life-saving person. As I consider where to pursue my post-secondary education I have shared many conversations with people I trust. With confidence, I have decided to work towards a career in social work. After discussing possible options with family, teachers, social workers, youth workers and counselors it became clear that social work aligns with both my values and skills. Intent on making this dream possible, I have already applied to the University of the Fraser Valley. This decision enables me to stay within a short distance from the school, and maintain proximity to family. I value both my time and family, and these considerations are central to my decision. In the future, I want to be a social worker in order to give back, and help kids. Over the last three years, I have had my share of foster parents and social workers that have not had time or resources to meet my needs. I do not want to sound like social workers do not care, I understand that these are many issues within the system that prevent social workers from doing the job right. Because of my experiences, I hope to be the type of social worker that wants to be there; that takes the time to listen; that gets to know the children; and advocates for a system that will benefit everyone in the end. I have seen first hand children that have been exposed to traumatic experiences. Some children have needs that aren't being met and this leaves me in heart wrenching pain. To see someone go through such a significant struggle inspires me. I have been there, with nothing: My only wish is to give back what I have been given. Because of my experiences, I will be the type of social worker that wants to be there; that takes the time to listen; that gets to know the children;