With my ticket in hand, I waited anxiously in line to enter the park. My friends and I stepped inside, and I saw the enormous globe with the words "Universal Studios slowly moving around it. I had never been so excited in my life. As Payton, Dylan, and I walked around, I remember my senses being flooded. The ear-splitting roar of the roller coasters zooming past overhead, the smells of churros and salted pretzels permeating the air, and what seemed like thousands of people covering every inch of the park enhanced the whole experience. Continuing to walk through the theme park, I started to realize just how many roller coasters were actually there, and we made sure to ride every single ride available. Overwhelming my senses and the adrenaline-charged thrill rides made my trip to Universal Studios the best I had ever had. The first roller coaster we decided to ride was the Hulk, which ended up being my favorite. We stood in line for nearly an hour. We were sweating profusely, and could barely hear ourselves think over the hundreds of other people speaking. As we got closer and closer, the screams of the children as the ride started to take off set our hearts racing. Finally, we were sitting in the front row of the cart as the crew started to count down the take-off. They all chanted simultaneously, "Three, two, one, go ! We were immediately going sixty miles per hour in a matter of seconds. Throwing our hands into the air, we screamed like banshees as we started zipping around sharp turns and going through loopty-loops. Getting off of the ride was a relief; we were finally able to catch our breaths and talk about how awesome the ride was. My next favorite part about the park was how astounding the "Wizarding World of Harry Potter was. There was a castle on the hill that was an exact replica of Hogwarts from Harry Potter. Actors everywhere were dressed up as the characters from the movies; they went around the park reenacting sce