My 2 year old son is my motivation to become an RN in the medical field. He is the one that always puts a smile in my face with his silly sayings. There is always something new he does or he says, like for example as I write about him, he is playing with his cars and making his dinosaurs noises and crawls back and forth, yes he is a distraction but what he wants is for to play with him and pay attention to him. At the age of 16, I became his mother and at some points I founded difficult to attend school while being pregnant, my parents always push me to become strong and educated to be where I am know, attending TSTC. I have seen my parents struggle and I have decided to pursue my education in the medical field to provide a better future for my son and me. He is the one person who is pushing me to follow my dreams a gift that has been very rewarding to me by choosing him as my son. I know it’s not easy to leave him behind as I come to school but like all of us, we have to sacrifice some things. I leave him behind wondering what his day will be like if he has ate, if he has played or if he is watching TV. I miss every little face reactions he makes. As soon as I get back from school and step into the living room his face is priceless. He runs to me with the biggest hug and kisses and says mama! I love him and he means the world to me, because of him I will become everything I can be, so I can provide him with a better future for both of us. In addition to my education, I know what I want in life, I want to be able to help others and growing up I have always found an interest in the medical field. I know that I am capable of achieving this goal I have set for myself. Life has been good to me and I know I am very young to have a son but he is my world and I wouldn’t change this for anything. I know I will struggle and at times I will find myself lost but I have my son to think about and giving up isn’t in my priorities. I want to