
Controversy and Huckleberry Finn

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The highly captivated, yet occasionally labeled as opprobrious novel Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain caused suspenseful controversy in high schools around nations today. First published in 1885, later being taught in classrooms as an impactful novel towards the students proposed multiple debates which preceded to several changes and alternatives to certain schools curriculums. The effectual controversy infused from the overly used amount of the “n” word being stated within the novel, not once, not a few times, but astonishingly over two hundred times. The novel “Send Huck Finn to College” published by another aspiring artist named Ms. Lorrie Moore denotes that Huck Finn should be postponed until college or graduate school; so it could be considered less abhorrent and more comprehensible once put into proper context by the instructor. Should this novel be prohibited from high schools around the nation because of one derogatory term or should the students understand the implications behinds the books history and be mature enough to assimilate the content without obtaining offensiveness? Later in time there was a new edition of Huckleberry Finn that substitutes the word slave wherever Mr. Twain used the word nigger within his novel. The perpetrator behind scarring this historical masterpiece made claims that his edits were not an attempt to vandalize Twain’s work but only to make the content less contemptible and more suitable for high school students. With acts proceeding to changes as prodigious as this, one cannot help but wonder is this a representation of which is to later become a broader trend or an educational issue construed by the instructors and administration which causes the students be incomprehensible to the text within the novel. The first accusation one may proclaim is whether or not this is a representative of a larger trend which is later to become applicable. Could this possibly later progress to distinction of all segments which causes controversy within classrooms? If so, this is not only a horrendous impediment to personal opinions and open discussion, but also has a litigious effect towards not allowing oneself to be contro

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