Shingles is the disease that causes by the virus. It is also called herpes zoster or zone, and we can have this anywhere in our bodies, but we usually have this in right or left torso (face and trunk). Varicella-zoster virus causes the shingles, and this virus is the same virus that causes the chicken pox, and we usually have the shingles when we are adults. The people who had chicken pox can only have the shingle, because the virus stays in our nerve tissues after we have the chicken pox. However, it doesn’t mean the people who had chicken pox will always have the shingles. According to national institute of allergy and infectious disease (NIAID), almost 500,000 people have the shingles every year. That means, almost 20% of people who had the chicken pox will have the shingles. Like I said before, we have to have chicken pox, before we have the shingles. Chicken pox is almost same with the shingles, but the shingles is worse than chicken pox. Shingles has more range than chicken pox which means shingles is larger than chicken pox, and unlike the shingles, they have the vaccine and the medicine that perfectly can cure this disease. We have known about the shingles since 100 years ago, and people are just guessing that it started since 250 years ago. And, we started to know what the shingles is, when scientist William Heberden found out what it is in 1767. After this happened, Viennese doctor Jonas Von Bokay found out that the chicken pox and the shingles are caused by same virus in 1888. However, scientists didn’t really study about this until Thomas Weller explained why they are related each other in 1953. When they started to study about the shingles, they thought that it cannot be the life threatening disease, but, in 1950s ~1960s, the scientists figured out that it can be the life threatening disease. When we start to have the shingles, it is going to give us the fever, other diseases, headache, and stomach