
Surrogate Motherhood and Other Services

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Ruth Macklin addresses surrogate motherhood from a multitude of different angles and viewpoints. Her main problem is the fact that the entire process is commercialized, which degrades women and ultimately leads to the exploitation of poorer or less advantaged women. I want to address the concept of commercializing women's bodies and services they can provide with their bodies. Surrogate motherhood defiantly falls under this category when it is combined with any sort of compensation, but the main act of commercializing women's bodies in today's day and age is prostitution. From an economic standpoint, prostitution is more or less the same thing as surrogate motherhood. We have women using their bodies to perform a service for a monetary payment or some sort of other compensation. I first want to establish how prostitution and surrogate motherhood are similar before addressing the morality of either. 1. Prostitution is an extremely degrading act, where a woman sells her body and services for monetary payment, and is illegal in the United States. 2. The compensation of surrogate motherhood is equally as degrading as prostitution and should be illegal in the United States, similarly to prostitution. Prostitution and surrogate motherhood have many similarities on multiple levels. First and foremost, they are similar from a physical standpoint. They both hold physical risks, which could be life threatening in some situations. Both situations are about the most invasive situations one can fathom. From an emotional standpoint, I honestly don't know which one would be more taxing on an individual: to give up your child or to participate in arguably the most intimate acts known to man with complete strangers day in and day out simply trying to make a buck. The point is not which is worst, but that they are both things you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy. This brings us to the point about the natural right to one's own bodily integrity.

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