My 12th grade year in High School was a triumph. I felt like I had every obstacle possible against me not to finish, but I was determined not to fail. I fought hard to continue through my senior year of high school. The weight on my shoulders was heavy. I was living in Framingham, Massachusetts, traveling to Brighton, Massachusetts every morning for school, I was pregnant, and I was able to stay focused managing to not only graduate high school, but to graduate with honors. I had to wake up at 4a.m. every morning to travel to Brighton, Massachusetts for school by 7:30a.m. Some days waking up seemed almost impossible. Getting out of bed was so difficult. I would have to drag myself out of bed, rolling onto my side to get up. I battled with myself each morning struggling to get up and going. Finally getting out the door, I want to run back inside and curl into my bed so I could escape the cold crisp air of winter. The wind so cool sending chills throughout my body. Each breath sent a burning sensation through my nostrils. I felt so anxious getting to school; I did not want to be late. The passing minutes of travel heading to school felt like hours. My body ached, I was so tired. Going to school was not only mentally draining, but physically too. I felt like a beached whale. I was pregnant with my son trying to stay awake. I could barely keep my eyes open. I would feel my head drop so heavy that the impact would wake me up. I would refocus, pulling out my notebook taking the most detailed notes my mind would allow. With every stroke it took to write I could feel it through my whole body. My due date was soon approaching. I just had a few more weeks to stick out. Continuing to push through the days, finally prom day was here with graduation day not too far behind. I finished school successfully with high honors. Before walking the stage for graduation there was the celebration of prom. I was debating back and fourth about going. I ultim