
Media Piracy

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Piracy is the unauthorized reproduction or use of another's work. This is most commonly referred to as copyright infringement, which occurs when you download, copy, or install something without approval from the creator or paying for it. Books, educational papers, music, and movies are the most popular items that individuals have been copy righting and with the internet making illegal downloads much more convenient, acts of piracy will continue to increase. Over time, piracy including books has decreased a great amount. The reason being, the United States population relies on the internet as a reading source and going to the library is considered pointless when you can find a legal download of the book you need on the web. While the piracy of books has decreased, the piracy of educational papers has increased and it could be linked to the fact that this generation is more technological than past generations. In today's society teachers have to be careful when grading papers because students are plagiarizing the works of other students and calling it their own. Pirating movies has been happening for years; people used to record a movie while it was playing on television and have to fast forward through the commercials. The advances in technology now allow us to burn the contents of one disc, or DVD, to another one without consent. You end up with the full content of the original DVD, or movie, which is exactly what you would receive from a store. This is a problem because you are not paying for the movie and still receiving it for free. This is the same as stealing it from the store, which most people do not realize simply because it is so easily done. Music is the most popular and easiest item to be downloaded from the computer. This illegal act is more familiar among adolescents than any other age group. Teens from this era have figured out how to bypass having to go to the store and purchase an entire cd for one song that

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