
Hooking Up - A Bad Idea for Everyone

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"Hooking Up  is a phrase that often finds its way into many young people's mouths recently. This term is used in a variety of ways from just kissing, to actual intercourse. There is a particular double-standard however, such as guys who have more sexual partners and/or hook ups are seen as more appealing or as the standard of what guys should want to be. Ladies on the other hand is not the same, the more partners they have the less they are thought of in some peoples minds. Relating this article back to personal experiences that I have either encountered myself or witnessed via third parties, I found it to be relatively true in most aspects. Hooking up is more appealing to those who prefer not having the stress of being "tied down,  per say but they do come with certain tricky side effects/consequences for example keeping it strictly physical, or where it typically falls apart as the article suggested is where the line is drawn concerning branching away from just that one partner. The article makes it seem like casual hook ups happen frequently, which they may around the country but from my personal experience here at Washburn it does not happen as much as it seems like it. Also, if it does occur it is rare that the situation was between two complete strangers and that it is a one and done type of hook up it usually is between people who have been around each other a few times and it almost always turns into a "repeat  type of hook up as the article refers to it as. The reason behind this is because I think both men and women have a hard time keeping it just between them and it leads to more difficult situations and jealousy, low self-esteem among women as well as eating disorders are just a few of the problems that could arise just out of the fact that they struggle to keep this "friends with benefits  type structure to their encounters. One thing is quite certain the double-standard is not a joke, it is for real. Recalling instances in my life I have seen guys say they wish they had to "game  to get girls like anoth

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