Coming to the United States and meeting a tone of new people naturally include introducing oneself quite a number of times. I will happily introduce myself another time, however today is slightly different. Who introduce themselves and talk about their two faces? Nobody ¦. but for the first time of my life, I will share with you through my writing, things that I never told anyone, things that I'd like to keep to myself or things that I prefer forgetting. To start, my name is Sarah Neufcourt and I am from Ivry-sur-seine, a small peaceful town next to our capital, Paris. I spent five years of life there, and then moved to Toulouse, in the south of France. This is the place I care the most, maybe because the people I met were incredible. However, I moved again but further away, thousands of miles away, keeping those memories in my hearth. I still don't know if I made the right decision to come to Virginia. However, now I am a raising junior in Lee high school. What people see in me is only what I show them, the mask I created to hide under. I think I act differently depending with who I am. From the outside the first impression people have might be that I am shy, athletic, organize and not really girly. Furthermore, many people think that I am a genius but I am definitively not, it is just because I learned much more when I was in France. However, the more I know about you, the more you know about me and the closer you get to the real me. To be honest, I am actually talkative, girly when I want, not organize at all. I am friendly and sweet with the people I adore. This is the way I see myself but who knows it might be another picture that I formed. Even it is my real personality I think it develops itself as my life goes, so in a few years it might change. Things that I do also are parts of my personality. So I love to listen to music while looking at the clouds and remember my past. I enjoy playing sports, especially tennis. It is a ho