My Normal: Managing My Time In a Day. As a working mother of two children (ages four years old and three months old), student, and wife, I am incredible busy. My husband calls me a woman who likes to “do it all.” I always have a long list of things I need to do daily. I call it my “to do list.” My list starts from when I get up in the morning all the way to when I go to bed at night. Every day, I am in constant struggle to create more time for my daily activities. I feel like twenty four hours in a day is not enough for me to get all the things on my list done. Even though I try so hard to manage my time each day by making a list of things I have to do, I still struggle to get everything done. Managing my time to complete my daily routine is the biggest challenges in my life. I start my day to the sound of my baby crying. Around 5:00 a.m., my infant starts kicking and crying for attention. Either he is hungry or he has a wet diaper. I get up to change his diaper, feed him. Most of the time, he will fall right back to sleep. Then, my daughter wakes up and needs my care as well. I help her to get dressed and ready for school. Then I prepare breakfast for both of us. I try to make time to sit down and have breakfast with my daughter every morning, so I have the time to inform her of her day. After breakfast I wake my baby up. I change his diaper one more time. I get him in his car seat, and then we run out of the door. My morning routine is rushed with pressure of me having to be out the door by 7:15 a.m. so I can get to school or work by 8:00 a.m. Also, I have to drop both kids off at daycare before I can be on my way. It is not an easy thing to get my newborn and four year old to follow my schedule. Having them in the house, unexpected things can happen at any time. For example, my daughter might not want to get up or my baby boy might be fussy all morning. When my baby cries, it is means he needs me, so I have to stop whatev