Former French President Jacques Chirac stated, “Secularity is one of the republic’s great achievements. It plays a crucial role in social harmony and national cohesion. We must not allow it to be weakened”. He reasoned that the main purpose of the law which prohibits all religious apparel in public schools was to affirm independence and openness to cultural diversity, and the wearing of religious clothing does not fit in this vision. In fact, there are lots of other negative aspects of the displays of visible religious symbols in public school exist. The main points include, it breaks the law of secularism in France, causes conflicts between students with different beliefs and actually threatens the freedom of religion. First of all, secularism is the central tenet of France's constitution that strictly separating religion from the state, meaning people should be religion neutral in public space so that a democratic republic could be thereby formed. The roots of secularism can be traced back to early liberalism which is associated with the dislike of the force of the Catholic Church after centuries of religious battle. Hence, this law should not be abolished because of the increasing number of immigrants with different religions in France. Not just because there are statistics show that between 60-70% of the French population support the law. It is because the basis of being a French citizen is French first, then people can be whatever they want to be. Since they choose to come to this country, they should learn to assimilate with the local population. Just like the saying goes, “in Rome, do what the Romans do”, while religious symbols are seen as a sign of refuse to integrate and to be French. Additionally, religion is something that belongs to a person’s private life, not something that he or she throws in the face of others. It is not about scarves, hats, crosses or other superficial apparel. It is belief, faith, guidance