Aatrox anxiously thought to himself as he pulled the lever next to him. The light on the machine grew glamorously around him as the sound of a scorching engine echoed across the room. He took a deep breath, hoping that this was going to be his last trip back there. The numerous numbers that were showing on the screen suddenly changed to a date he recognised. [2013.12.31] he slowly moved his sweaty arm to press the bright red button on the screen. He was never going to forget what happened on that day, never. It was 22pm in the evening. The street was quiet and human existence was a distant memory. Aatrox was celebrating his birthday and Christmas with his family in the small town where his parents and his sister lived. He, along with sister, decided to go on a walk late at night. That’s when the horrible incident happened. It was too late when he realised that a large vehicle was coming towards them faster than a bullet. “WATCH OUT!!!” he screamed. But his voice was completely demolished by the large engine sound gushing through the air. Although Aatrox managed to survive the incident, his sister had no hope for. He couldn’t believe that his sister died. After his recovery in the hospital, he remembered that he saw a man, a man wearing a black clothes staring deeply at his sister. He knew that the only way to get his sister back and find out who the man in black was, to go back in time and avoid his sister’s death. Aatrox knew that it was illegal to use time travelling to bring dead people back to life but he couldn’t resist. His sister was the only person he ever trusted in his life. He has tried count-less times to bring her back, but none of them were successful. He was living his life with constant nightmares about his sister, and the vision of the mysterious man in black. He knew that this was his last chance to end his never ending nightmares. Aatrox got out of his time machine and felt a cold and gentle breeze s