INTRODUCTION :- Domestic violence may be reffered to as the violence against women. But it isn't really limited to women alone, instead it is related to every age group of Females. Domestic Violence with no doubts is a worldwide issue, some see it as the result of husband's supremacy over his wife, and some refer to it as the physical/emotional abuse of women. Forms of Domestic Violence (worldwide) :- Domestic violence may refer to the mishaps being done with the inferior sex (females), but this violence too is of differentt forms. Domestic Violence can be categorised in following two ways :- 1. Physical Violence. 2. Emotional Abuse. 1. Physical Violence :- As the name depicts, physical violence includes any kind of violence which in any way harms the body/part of the body of a woman. Indian men tend to have a mentality that they are superior than the females and hence they always try to overpower her. Physical Violence here is also of further various types, few of them being :- 1a --> Beating 1b --> Sexual Abuse 1c --> Sati Pratha 1a. Beating :- India being a male dominant society, Indian women are supposed to follow the commands of her husband without having any secondary thoughts. In the process if by any chance a women offends her husband and the issue becomes somewhat un-controllable for men, men in such condition feel inferior and to overpower this situation they end up in beating their wives. This is a general case for any middle-class family in India. Cases are sslightly different for the upper-class families as here women too are literate enough to encounter such conditions, but they too are a victim of an another violence. 1b. Sexual Abuse :- Sexual abuse refers to the abuse being done to the women in different forms. These include forceful & non-forceful acts like, kissing, touching, premaritial relations, etc. Women to these acts don't raise their voice to the extent to which they should raise but instead, women trying to keep their social reputation intact keep their mouth shut, which makes these pervert men more encouraged for destroying the life of other females as well. This kind of violence isn't really