Prologue Long ago there was a seer that foretold great tragedies for the future. The ending of the world. A great power was going to fight Fate and Destiny. This seer ran to the power council and told them of what she saw. They together pooled their powers and sent that power into a time stone that would activate and give the power to the four people that Destiny and Fate will put on earth to fight what is to come. These four were to be born with one of four birth marks apiece. Fangs over the heart, wings over the mind, fire over the soul, and love over the body. The gathering of all of this power took a very large unseen toll on the people of the time. When messing with fate and destiny even when trying to set things right, comes at a large cost. The event went into their history books as the great fall of the power race. The price of sending power to the future was the loss of power from the past. People all around the globe lost their magic’s, and as more and more babies were born, fewer and fewer were born with abilities. As fewer powerful were around they had to adapt. The powerless were rising up in revolt after years of ridicule and disdain. The powerless got scared. The powerful got greedy. The powerless banded together under one name, Humans. While, the powerful separated and started placing the blame of this catastrophe all across the other species; therianthropians, witches, vampires, and so many more. Because of this discord they started to go extinct. As a last resort to stop all power from leaving the world, the remaining species banded together after years of war with the humans, and pulled their power one more time. This time to help their present. They gave themselves longer lasting life. They were not immortal, however, their deaths just became that much harder to enact. This allowed them to withstand the human’s numbers, and go into hiding. This is how the supernaturals, or what they came to be known as, came to