
The Happiest Refugee - A Memoir by Anh Do

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"You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it.  This quote by Bill Cosby, is a quote that encompasses the idea of using laughter and happiness to overcome the most extreme hardships in life. The Happiest Refugee, a memoir written by Anh Do, is a biographical narrative that encompasses this same idea. The memoir is about the life of renowned comedian Anh Do and the series of momentous events Anh experienced during his life which shaped his personality today. Through the way in which Anh constructs his narrative through his use of selection of detail, structure, sequencing and the style he uses in his memoir, Anh manages to convey more than just the story of his life but also the invaluable lessons he learned along the way. The main lessons that he conveys through the use of his the aforementioned expository techniques include: everything happens for a reason, be positive and nothing will get you down and finally work for your dreams and they will come true. By conveying these life lessons to his readers, Anh attempts to engage the readers on an emotional level in order for his lessons to be more resonant. Firstly, Anh's uses structure, sequencing and the style of his writing to convey to readers his first life lesson that everything happens for a reason. Throughout the entirety of Anh's memoir, he structures the nature of his stories to ensure a blissful or humorous story follows a miserable or saddening story. By doing this, he manages to ensure the tone of his memoir stays positive therefore reflecting his optimistic personal voice. He also manages to go further than retell a story but to convey a lesson about life that everything happens for a reason. This is best shown when Anh sequences the humorous story of their family receiving free clothes to follow his family's harrowingly descriptive and melancholic boat journey. During this boat journey, Anh's

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