Since their conception in the 1970s, video-games have become one of the biggest form of entertainment since the television, as people spend three billion hours playing video games every week. And even thought video-games have evolved greatly since their introduction, the causes of their popularity have barely changed which include sociability, immersive qualities and diversity among others. One of the main reasons that make video games popular is the ability to play with friends or with strangers online. In fact, it has been stated by scientists at the University of Illinois that massively multiplayer online (MMO) games like World of Warcraft actually "promote sociability and new world views (par.4) and is also compared to virtual "coffee shops (par.5). Also, video-games can help people with few social skills to gain friends through gaming due to their shared love of video-games or at least an aspect of it. Actually , the game Pokemon gained popularity due to its tactic of selling two versions of the same game but with certain pokemon being unavailable in one version but present in the other one which makes players trade among each other and thus increases sociability. However people are also attracted to video-games that don't have this sociability factor. The next reason that makes video-games popular is its diversity as it allows players to play as different characters with different personalities. As a matter of fact, due to the high number of different genres in video-games, the player can experience different personalities and play as either the protagonist or the antagonist. In fact, Dr. Andy Przybylski states that games are more fun when the player is given the chance to play as an ideal version of himself (par. 4). Also after a study conducted by the university of Essex, it was found that by playing videogames, "people were not running away from themselves but running towards their ideals (par.9). Moreove