Law and the strict enforcement of law hold the structure of society together by protecting humanity from the chaos of anarchism (Tyler 2006). Laws are suppose to allow each individual freedoms while maintaining (Dyk 2009, p. 250). order by acting as invisible guardians but rewinding the world's history tells us otherwise by remembering tyrants who've committed genocide with the exploitation of law. Some of these freedoms which laws promise are: provide physical safety, to keep and maintain our possessions such as property, and have orderly resolutions for conflict (Dyk 2009, p. 250). When these freedoms are taken away then people will revolt and break laws to recapture their liberty (Stigler 1970). Citizens of a nation enter a silent mutual contract to obey all laws all the time but people can only obey all the laws all the time in a utopian society; if no one broke the law, we wouldn't need law enforcement (Tyler 2006). The oppression of basic human freedoms, laws inconsistent with societies' values, and weak deterrence trigger disobedience of law. Compared to other countries of the world, the Canadian constitution and its legal system is structured quite well to provide and protect basic human rights, that's why we don't see huge riots against the government here. More so, laws are disobeyed here due to the rules conflicting with strong personal beliefs. For example, homosexuality was illegal in Canada up to 1969 and often resulted in ludicrous sentencing. Most homosexuals cannot control the way they feel and are just born liking the same sex- these people were still being born before 1969 and were still partaking in acts of sodomy when it was illegal. There was never any need for homosexuals to abide by the laws which put constraints on their way of life “ they never harmed the rest of society in any way with wanting relationships with the same sex. In Canada, being in the possession of marijuana is illegal, unless you have a prescription of course. A large majority of the Canadian population, especially