Social networking has become a large part of today's society. People have adapted social networking into their lives. Social networking has become very addictive because those who uses them are accustom to they way they work. Those who become addicted into networking online begin to face problems with identifying what's fantasy and realistic. Other issues like the decrease of work accomplished while in school, and the decrease of one's social life become negative behaviors because of the addiction of online networking. Overall social networking can become a problem to users and have a negative affect because of how they abuse them. Social Networking has become part of societies everyday lives. People use sites like Facebook and Twitter to connect with people online. It provides an opportunity for people all over the world to connect and exchange ideas easily .It has become part of everything people do; now a day it is really difficult to escape it. Networking online wasn't always an issue. About a decade ago networking online did not exist as much. The Internet did exist, but it wasn't use as efficient as it's used today. Instead People will communicate and express themselves face to face. (Social Media Part of peoples lives). The infant years of Networking began with cites like AOL, BBS, and CompuServe. AOL was the Internet before the Internet, and it was member-created communities which was complete with searchable "Member Profiles, in which users would list pertinent details about themselves. Friends will make chat groups using AOL to chat with their friends. Everyone didn't own a cell phone back in those days, so they will use this way to connect with each other when needed. Then BBS came along which controlled online group activities. BBS offered online meeting places were effectively independently produced hunks of code that allowed users to communicate with a central system where they could download files or games. Hobbyists who carefully nurtured the social aspects, and interest-specific nature of their projects ran BBS. Finally came CompuServe. CompuServe was a site that allowed users to share files and access news and events (History of social networking). Social networking before was nothing compared to how social networking is today. Back in the day social network was a used productive thing such as: planning meetings, working on group projects, and downloading files. Compared to how networking online is used in the modern day. Social networking add