
Edward Thomas on the Lagans Road

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District and Circle is Seamuss Heaneys most recent anthology which describes human nature and memories. The anthology is based on Heaneys lifetime of violence and childhood of constant terror and anxiety as he describes a world overshadowed by darkness and evil that may erupt anytime out of the apparent peacefulness. This idea can be seen in the poem Edward Thomas on the Lagans Road where Heaney describes the brutal reality of war and the sadness and despair which it brings. He tells that war affects everyone, not only those that participate in the action. Heaney explores this feeling of anguish and sadness along with the brutality of war through the use of emotive diction, imagery, long and monotonous sounds and structure. Heaney uses emotive and dark diction to depict the effect that war has not only on those that participate in the violence but also those back home. He tells the reader that in the game of war, everyone is a victim. Through the use of military and violence associated words, Heaney manages to disrupt the apparent peaceful and serene rural landscape with darkness and violence that may erupt at any moment. Emphasizing the fact that peace and happiness is only temporary. Heaneys choice of the verb whip to describe the actions of the daisy heads is significant and important as he disrupts the peaceful countryside landscape and suddenly creates an air of hostility and violence. Whip connotes to a feeling of violence and evil as it is often associated with torture and combat. Thus in this context, the reader is presented with the feeling of imminent fear of violence along with the realisation of the fragility of peacefulness and happiness. As this whipping action is linked with the Daisy Heads Heaney may be trying to describe the hostility of nature, however we see that this violence is linked more-so to the heads. Thus a graveyard like atmosphere is created, filled with horror and despair and rich with the memories of loved one and the pain and torture the have suffered. The use of the hyphenated compound word strong-arming is effective as it is out of place amongst the lovers descriptions, it lacks romanticism and intimacy. Instead of giving the feeling of love, strong-arming gives a feeling of despair and anxiety. The military diction in arming describes the the action of weaponizing and training, in this context joined with strong it depicts the bonds of love between couples that are broken by war. Heaney shows us that the power of war is so strong it breaks apart relationships and families, leaving behind silence-quiet and despair- rise and go. Heaney again uses a hyphen to create the compound word gras

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