
Matthew Dodd - British Rifleman

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The main character, Matthew Dodd is a British Rifleman in the 95th foot. Dodd and his fellow English soldiers showed nothing but dedication when it came to the mission they wanted to accomplish. Dodd showed that he lived by his core values as a soldier and as a man. Dodd showed the same values that we learn in the Marine Corps and this story helps make sure we display them at all times. Dodd faced many challenges during his journey back to his regimen while also accomplishing the mission. The story also talks about other character but I will only talk about Dodd as he is the main character of the story. The Three characters Dodd meets in the story after he was ambushed and separated from his regimen were: the Idiot, Bernardino, and the stunned man which all of them played a part in the story. After being shot and cut off from his unit by the Frenchman, Dodd showed his experience by being focus more on saving his life, than to consider the consequences of leaving his unit. They explained the situation when he was shot at a few yards away. So Dodd made his way up the hillside where he had the opportunity to see his enemy at the edge of the grove. The Frenchmen gave up on the chase, however Dodd use that as an opportunity to kill one of them. Once he made it all the way up the hill, Dodd uses the opportunity to make sure he reload his rifle first before anything and did a gear check to make sure he has everything. Something we are taught since boot camp is gear accountability is very true in this story. He finds his way and meet a guy name Idiot at some cabin where he finds some old lady dead and all the important gear gone which he said the Frenchmen was the ones who did it. The Idiot decides to travel with him but it seems he is getting in the way. There are some parts to where Dodd had made a choice to give Idiot food because he was hungry or let him starve. Dodd only had two days’ worth of food but he made the choice of giving him

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