?Heroes abound in present times and many of them are fictional characters, for instance, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Thor. They’ve been significant in many people’s childhood and teenage years, but there’re also real-life heroes who embody the best human qualities and are acknowledged for making the difference. Heroes have always lived on the borderline between real world and that of imagination. On the one hand, we’re aware they’re not real because adults are constantly telling us heroes only exist in cartoons and movies. On the other hand, it seems that superheroes are real because they make us feel courageous when confronting adversities. That’s how a real-life hero can materialize himself these days: encouraged by a fictional character that, with his/her noble disposition, helps people deal with their fears and guides them into worthy achievement. Additionally, a modern, real-life hero isn’t a costumed crime fighter, but an ordinary person who’s resolved to be “braver five minutes longer.” To be a modern hero comes along with great responsibilities, thus an ordinary man’s mentality has to suffer a modification in order to understand that such responsibility is assumed, not imposed. Consequently, the capacity to take on responsibility where no one else would regard themselves as responsible, leads real-life heroes to do something about a situation rather than being helpless victims of it. The English poet Matthew Arnold once said: “The will is free; Strong is the soul, and wise, and beautiful; The seeds of god-like power are in us still; Gods are we, bards, saints, heroes, if we will!,” which may mean that there’re honorable characteristics inherently human that can make anyone of us a real-life hero, opposite to cultural stereotypes and committed to embrace diversity –heroes may come in all sizes, colors, and shapes. Hence, those who organize the neighborhood to get a stop sign, open children’s libra