
Facebook - Endless Social Interaction

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Have you ever found yourself staying up to late, or missing out on something because of social media? Many people argue that the use of social media such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Instagram have changed the world and the way we communicate in many ways. Some say it has affected the way students write papers, and the way they communicate outside of an online setting, and social media can have an effect on how people perceive us and on what they feel is our identities. Many people feel that social media has affected the way we communicate outside of an online setting. It can be shown that people are more interactive online "which they sometimes interact more frequently than at the physical campuses that they inhabit ¦. Networking behavior influences students' educational experience in subtle and substantial ways . This is saying that online campuses are becoming more interactive than physical campuses, which is a bad thing because if you do not learn to interact with people face to face then you will not be ready for a job no matter what degree you get, because in the work force there are jobs available at home but most jobs require a physical appearance, and some even require one on one work with co-workers and sometimes even customers. This is a negative thing because if you do not learn to interact with people in many different environments then when confronted by a co-worker, employee, boss, or customer you will not know how to respond because of the lack of experience you have. This is related to why employers like to see more stuff on your resume, and if you are coming out of college they especially like to see clubs, student government body members and other interactive activities like sports. If you have these they will see that you have the experience to get an important job where you will need to know how to interact with others, not just no be able to sell something for the company, or make a deal, but also to

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