Location: taiga coldest forest in the Subarctic region which lies between tundra to the north and temperate towards the south Climate: Taiga is Designated as a Region of Short Summer and Prolonged Very Cold Winters Average Temperature of Taiga in Summer Ranges Between 23 ºF- 45 º and Average Winter Temperature Is Between -4 ºF - 1 ºF TAIGA IS EXPOSED TO LOW PRECIPITATION, TYPICALLY AROUND (200MM-750MM) WHICH USUALLY TRANSMITTED BY RAIN, FOG OR SNOW DUE TO THE FOG IN LOW LYING AREAS IN TIAGA SUNLIGHT IS VERY SCARE DURING SUMMER, . AND PRECIPITATION EXCEEDS EVAPORATION TO SUSTAIN DENSE GROWTH Taiga Soil is Young and Lacks Nutrients, Thinness of soil is traced to Cold climate, Soil is acidic due fallen pine needles detritus, creating Spodosol ( aluminum oxide with organic matter) Importance to HUMANS: Taiga Forest take up huge amount of carbon dioxide and various other greenhouse gases and store carbon in plants Ecological Impact: Ecosystem In the World is Balanced, from Producers to Predators If a Chain Is Removed By Extinction Balance Is Affected In Someway "EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!!!" (Orilio) During International Biodiversity Year, Conservation of Migratory Animals(CMS) Decided to.... Captive Breeding and Reintroduce The Species to The Biome, Satellite Tracking, Crane Awareness at Communities are current Basic Strategy Of Conservation Other Human Impacts: Other Human Impacts On The Biome Are Deforestation where Humans Chop the Forest Down For Logging and "Paper" is Made From Wood Especially Spruce, Fir, Pine which are from The Taiga Acid Rain Is also a Type Of Human Affect Which is Caused By People Burning Fossil Fuels which Toxicants the Atmosphere And Precipitates Little More Acidic Than Normal Rain Ecological Interactions: Symbiotic Relationship: Lichen usually Grows on a Spruce Tree in Taiga Where Lichen Feeds On Dead Matter on the tree Intern The Tree Acts As a House For Lichen Cooperative, In Taiga Is when F