Due to the technological progress and the development of the Internet, the access to all source of information is much easier nowadays. Without much effort people are able to find full details on every topic and use them in their works. The problem is that very often they either intentionally or unintentionally plagiarize. How to avoid plagiarism? There are many ways of not committing “the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as one's own” (http://www.britannica.com). The major ones are summaries, paraphrases and quotations. One of the most significant techniques of not committing plagiarism is a summary. Summary or recap is a shortened version of the original. The main purpose of such a simplification is to highlight the major points from the genuine (much longer) subject, e.g. a text, a film or an event. The target is to help the audience get the gist in a short period of time.” (http://en.wikipedia.org) The correct summary has to include many important aspects. The most significant one is the presentation of the author of the source text in the first paragraph. The remaining paragraphs should be composed of the main ideas of the source text which are written in different words. It is important to omit all irrelevant details and not to be repetitive. Although prior knowledge of the subject is very helpful, the personal opinion should not be included in the summary. The purpose of the author of the source text should be kept and the summary should be as objective as possible. All paragraphs should clearly correspond to the source text and it is generally stated that it should not be longer than five to fifteen percent of the source text. Paraphrasing is a similar technique to summarizing. The difference is that it is not a short statement but it is a “restatement of a text” (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org). There are several points which need to be considered while using it. First