There are so interesting laws in Turkey that even the World surprised that. Turban is the major problem for years. Relentless fight has been in progress. While some of the people do not think this is a big problem, the others do. As if freedom of people is fighting. Because of against to the concept of the secular republic, lots of people thinks turban should be banned. But in the other hand the others think turban is the necessity of religion. The ban of turban first lifted in 1967 in University of Ankara. ?n 2000’s some universities resolved this problem, the ban was not applied. ?n the University of Istanbul and Marmara, students can attend the lessons with turban. While the western part of Turkey is continuing the ban, the eastern of Turkey lifted the ban of turban. People who wants to removal the ban of turban, thinks that in a free society there should not be the ban about dresses. There are so many muslims in Turkey and “turban is the necessity of our belief” is their first advocacy. Another thing they complain about is that too many doors closed them throughout the history of the republic of turkey. They even could not enter the hospitals.This discrimination directs them to the idea that divided the nation. So they want the removal of the ban. In contrast to these ideas there are so many people who support the ban. The main reason of this is turban against to the concept of a secular republic. Imported from Iran after 70 and seen as a political symbol so according to them turban should not lead university or a public place like university. The another reason is that they think tolerance which shown to freedoms can abused by state government. They are aware of turban is the necessity of religion but they want to the ban due to the use as a political symbol of turban. According to me when talk about freedoms symbol must be illegal. Muslims are freely able to use turbans. We can not know how many people use it for politic