The internet, smartphones, and computers have made their way into almost every home, workplace, and school. For the younger generation, the internet is something that they grew up with learning as each new advanced device was made. Playing on the internet through phones and laptops at very young ages is not uncommon and supervision while using these devices is next to non-existent. Nowadays it is normal for a child in middle school or younger to already have a smart phone. From my own personal experience I can say just how addicting the web is for me. The instant I wake up I’m reaching for my phone so I can check my Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, and Timehop notifications. Throughout the day I am constantly scrolling and making status updates or commenting on a friend’s picture. On any given day I would say I use my phone at least four hours for web surfing. What effect is this having on the youth of today? Are these adolescents becoming addicted to the internet at alarming ages and rates? People all over the world are now struggling to put down their electronic devices and live their lives. Four reasons the internet is so particularly hard to ignore is the amount of resources, online shopping, social media, and gaming. The web has infinite amounts of knowledge stored that can be accessed with a few clicks. Any question or topic can be “googled” with 100,000 pages of links of relevant information. Another way the internet conveniently helps everyday life is being able to purchase items online without having to actually go to the store. Price comparisons, rare or special items, and discounts are easier to find online then riding around from store to store. Also, social media plays a very large part in addition to the internet. Being able to connect with friends, families, and people of all nations to communicate post and share with each other is a huge deal. Social media gives anyone the power to post and share pictures, videos, a