Throughout history there are some processes that repeat themselves, such as wars for who gets more power, parts of the world which are better economically and have more resources than others, or the inversion of hierarchies in a particular item or activity. In this essay we are going to focus in the last one: Why do they change over the years? Why is it that something which is totally discriminatory and marginal as years go by can rise up and end up being popular and accepted by everybody? This is something very common and it has happened a lot of times throughout history. In this essay we are going to use football and rock and roll to explain this topic in a better way. Nobody knows very well where or when football started as a sport, but in England it was around 1300, in medieval times, and was quickly banned by Edward III for almost 500 years because it was an extremely dangerous sport and had almost no rules. In 1850, at Cambridge University, the primitive rules of football were written by some students. 13 years later, in a meeting between 12 different schools from London, the definitive rules of football were written. This meeting is considered the moment when modern football was born. In 1872, the first international match was played between England and Scotland. As years went by, football expanded throughout the whole world, firstly in the English colonies and then in the rest of the world. It expanded so much that they decided to hold a world cup: and that is how the World Cup was created. Football is now the most popular sport in the world and has lots of fans everywhere. It makes a lot of money through different methods of merchandising. Rock and roll originated in the south of the United States during 1950 as a fusion of different styles: blues, jump blues, jazz, gospel music, Western swing and country music. As we can see, most of the genres that originated rock and roll have an African origin and were marginal in those