Introduction Hello, fellow classmates. I’ve been asked to give a presentation about obesity in America. I will start by explaining the range of the so called “Obesity epidemic”. Then I will talk about some of the key factors, that drives people to obesity. Later on I will present some of the actions that have been taking, due to rising number of obesity. Actions taken by the government, schools, communities and companies, will be presented. If you have any questions, I will be happy to try and answer them as good as I can, but that will be at the ending of my presentation. The basics of obesity is simple, if a human body consumes more calories than it burns, they will gain weight. Ergo, if a man/woman keeps consuming a lot more calories than he or her burns, for a longer period of time, they will at some point get overweight. When you walk around town you may see a higher amount of adults who are obese, than children. That’s not a coincidence. One third of the adults in America are obese, that is 33 percent of the adults in America! It may not be as high as the adults, but 1/6 of the children in America are obese. Obesity costs the American government a total of $150 billions every single year. That’s 10% of the medical budget! Not only because of this, is obesity something that creates a huge problem for the American population, and the world. Medical research shows that obesity can cause heart diseases, and even more critical, cancer. Throughout the last 15 years the citizens of the United States, have more frequently been eating out. The food might taste better at some restaurants, but they are often filled with a higher amount of calories and sugar. We may not notice it or even think about it everyday, but the fact is that 15% of the population in America live at or under the governments poverty line. This is a huge factor of the rising obesity numbers. Poor people might not have the same access to food as rich com