
The Benefits of State-Controlled Hunting

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The hunting debate will probably never be resolved to everyone's satisfaction, but people from the hunters and environmental groups around the world are coming together to try and fix any problems, that anybody has over the issue of hunting being good or bad. After all, despite differences about the ethics of hunting, both groups lament urban sprawl and habitat destruction as some of the main causes of a suffering animal population. On the side of hunting being a good thing, people are hunt to make the population at a safe level so that it does not get out of control. According to Bill Davis, of Scientific America, "nothing could be more natural than hunting, and indeed just about every animal species ”including humans ”has been either predator or prey at some point in its evolution. (Qtd. "Does Hunting Help or Hurt the Environment? ). On the other side of the fence are the people who are usually the animal lover. Those people tend to belong to groups like the one named P.E.T.A or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Many people on this side of the fence believe that hunting is barbaric and morally a wrong thing to do (Davis). Hunting has many benefits like helping the population, providing food for your family, and also has economic benefits. According to the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the origin of hunting started as far back as the earliest human life forms ("Hunting ). Weapons ranged upward in intricacy and effectiveness from sticks and stones used to kill birds and small game to specially shaped clubs and throwing sticks such as the African knobkerry, the trombash of the Upper Nile, and the Australian boomerang; to spears ranging from simple pointed sticks to those with a separate fore shaft, usually barbed, and armed with heads of sharpened stone, bone, or metal (Qtd. "Hunting ). According to Rebecca Blain, from Enzine Articles, It has said that the hunting was for food and has always been something that human kind has had to do, with it dating back to the beginning of any civilizations known to man (Blain  The Evolution of Man - The History of Hunting ). When hunting was first invented, its only main purpose was to protect the early humans from the predators and to survive. According to J. Hines, from the Western Shooting Journal, "when the dawn of man came around, they were going to become the smartest predator to ever roam the planet, dominate the food chain and eventually alter the entire purpose of hunting altogether. (Hines "The Evolution of Hunting: A Brief History of Tools, Weapons, Tactics, Roles and Purpose ). During the early time when there were rulers and nobles around. During that time they were the only ones allow to hunt, only because they had the power to say they could. According to the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the rulers and their nobles, those having the most leisure and wealth. In ancient Egypt the huntsmen constituted a social class; they hunted on their own as well as attending at the hunting of nobles. There was hunting in open deserts on both sides of the Nile valley, and sometimes animals were driven into enclosed preserves to be hunted there. When the first people started to use weapons, they only had axes and homemade spears that they made sharp by breaking rock and then taking the sharp pieces and shaving the wood into a point. According to News Staff from the Scientific Blogging, "Human ancestors were making stone-tipped weapons 500,000 years ago at Kathu Pan 1, an archaeological site in South Africa. The revelation pushes back the date for manufactured weapons another 200,000 years  (Qtd. "Efficient Hunting Gets More Ancient: Stone-Tipped Weapons Were Used 500,000 Years Ago ). Conservation of the animals population was first started back in the 1930's when a chairmen from the Committee on North American

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