Music is a very important part of many people's lives and is used as a universal language to unite cultures and individuals from all over the world. Everyone seems to be able to understand music and it has the power to connect people on a global scale. There are more ways to listen to music today than ever before, thus making music more influential worldwide than ever. Obtaining music back in the day used to be simple. People would hear a song on the radio that they enjoyed and if they liked it enough they would go to the store and buy the physical copy of the record. How do you go about listening to and discovering new music today? Technology has brought us countless of options to choose music from that you can listen to it almost anytime and anywhere. The downfall of the way music is listened to today is that it brings less revenue to the music industry. There are several ways to acquire music without paying for it called music piracy that is the main reason for the loss of revenue. There is a commercial music streaming service that is not only built to combat piracy but also bring more revenue to the music industry. This company is called Spotify and it is the basis for how music will be listened to in the future. Spotify was first launched in October of 2008 and was developed in Stockholm, Sweden. They have licensing deals with the music's rights holders that allows a profit to go back to the music industry. Spotify is accessible through your computer, mobile device, tablet and home entertainment systems. You can search for a song, album, artist and even pick through a premade playlist for any occasion. For music enthusiasts, Spotify is your first class ticket to everything you need. For those who are always searching for new music like myself, Spotify tracks what you have been listening too and give you suggestions to other similar artists and songs. Since music is becoming more and more social, so is Spotify. You have the option to sign in through Facebook which allows you to see what your friends have been listening too and share music on social media. Spotify also allows users to follow other musicians, bands and even celebrities to find out what music they have recently listened too. When the people you follow find out about new music, so do you. Spotify offers free play with some restrictions or yo