Introduction After being released from jail, Danny Ocean organized and leaded a team of 10 other individuals with different specialties to rob the vault that holds more than $150 million for three casinos owned by Terry Benedict in Las Vegas. The task is highly complex due to the tight casino security and had never been done before.1 The casino's vault is the least accessible vault ever designed. According to Rusty, trying to rob the vault would be like "trying to build a house of cards on the deck of a speeding boat . Reuben, who funds the robbery, is also the man who invented the casino security system and claims that "it can't be beat . Other than the vault, watchers, cameras, locks, the casino has enough armed personnel to occupy Paris. The most successful robber had only ran a few steps out of the casino with the money before being killed, and the money was not even from the vault. The security of the casino was also extremely tight and impossible to get past. The casino "houses a security system which rivals most nuclear missile silos . First the team needed to get through three cages which each had a different six-digit code changed every twelve hours. After that they had to get through the elevators which wouldn't move without authorized fingerprint identification and "vocal confirmations from both the security center within the casino and the vault below . If they tried to manually override the elevator, they would trigger the motion detectors and be trapped inside. After reaching the vault, there were armed guards and the "most elaborate vault door conceived by man . If they managed get past all the security, they still needed to figure a way to walk out with 150 million dollars of cash. However, given the unbeatable security system, the team still succeeded in their mission and robbed the vault without being caught. It led us to wonder what exactly was unique of the team that contributed to their success. Hence, we came up with a question to explore: What underlying factors of the team contributed to the accomplishment of such a difficult task? Our team utilized the Team Effectiveness Model as a backbone of our analysis of our determined question, which contained the contextual factors, composition of the team, and the team's processes in accomplishing the task. Context The following three contextual factors contributed to the potential team effectiveness. Adequate Resources: The air ticket outlay, simulation construction expenditure, vehicle payment and other miscellaneous expenses were indispensable in order to rob Benedict's casinos. Without Reuben's funding, the task could not even be commenced. Besides the financial support, the timely information about the blueprint of the casinos from Danny and proper explosion equipment provided by Basher were non-financial resources that contributed to the success. Leadership and Structure All team members were equipped with proper abilities and willingness to effectuate the delegated tasks. For instance, Livingston, who was the ex-FBI member, was responsible for the engineering support. Basher, who was a munitions expert, handled the explosion of the vault. In light of the Situational Leadership Theory, leaders can take the "hands-off approach, without involvement for these able and willing followers. For example, members' experience and professionalism could substitute the needs of leadership's instruction and support. Another reason for leadership could be absent from this team owed to the clear structure. There were explicit formalized goals to rob the casino, distinct procedures to sneak into gateways of the casino, and intrinsic motivation of members to stay in the team. Climate of Trust: Each member believed that the others would not take advantage of one another. They were willing to be exposed to vulnerabilities due to their interdependence and the "chained structure of the task. For example, Danny's installation of explosion device relied on Yen's trespass into the vault, which in turn depended on Rusty's success in tricking securities to deliver the trolley. Composition Team composition is the mix of people who make up the team. The combination, distribution and complementarity matter. It consists of the ability and personality of team members, allocation of roles, diversity, team size and member's flexibility and preferences. Abilities of Members: In the team of Ocean's Eleven, every member had different abilities and expertise in their own areas, such as Linus (talented pickpocket), Basher (explosives expert) and Livingston (electronics expert).2 As mentioned, the tasks in the film were very complex. The high-ability team in the movie unquestionably allowed better flexibility and adaptability. Moreover, both Danny and Rusty were smart leaders, who further enhanced the team's success. Allocation of Roles An effective team has different roles, which are needed to be filled by various members. In Ocean's Eleven, Danny act