Before arriving at the Parker Nursing Care Residence my general perception of nursing homes were always bad. Most likely because I've never heard anything good about them, only negative things that I've heard from other people. Well, after my experience I was able to form my own opinion and I can honestly say that it is a nice place. The facility was very well-organized with plenty of activities to keep the residents active and engaged. I was happy to be there and am truly grateful for the experience. After getting to know a little bit about my client I proceeded to provide the necessary nursing care. I began by changing the linen and administering a bed bath. While I was washing the client, I discovered a small area of non-blanchable skin approximately ½ in diameter on his right ankle and reported it to the RN and it was treated by her immediately. After completing the skin and oral hygiene care, I got the client dressed, helped him into his wheelchair and escorted him to the courtyard where the other residents gathered before going to lunch. After lunch, my client had another bowel movement so I helped get him cleaned again and into a new pair of pants. The role of the registered nurse at a long term care facility is extensive. At Parker, they are responsible for an entire wing and oversee the entire staff of their unit. They are responsible for administering medications to all of the clients residing in the wing. They perform treatments and dressing changes, charting, developing care plans to improve client's quality of life, communicates with doctors, and advocate for their patients. I'm sure that's not all they do, but there was a lot going on when I was questioning my nurse and time was limited. The staff communicated with the residents by employing various means of communication such as by speaking a little more slowly, articulate and in an audible tone of voice so that the client could understand. They also used touch