No one has ever been able to correctly date the exact day when the Dominican Republic and Haiti split into two very different countries. That date goes back many years. These two countries have always shared a great hate for one another, whether it is wealth, beliefs, or even skin color. Considering how long these two countries have been separated I don't think they will ever be the same again. Which makes me question, is there hope for these countries to once again be united? Personally I think yes. But not at least for another 20 – 30 years. After all that has went on with these two, you can’t just forgive and forget. Haiti was claimed to be founded by a greatly known man named Christopher Columbus on December 5, 1492. Columbus got to the huge island and noticed it had already been inhabited by a good number of people. These people called themselves either Tiano, or Arwakan. I had never heard of either of those two ethnicities, but it makes me wonder what they are and what they look like. Columbus decided to name the island “La Isla Espanola” which means “The Spanish Island.” La Isla Espanola already had a name that was given by the inhabitants the Columbus discovered. Everyone on the island had various names they called the place where they lived. Ayiti, Bohio, and Kiskeya were all names people called this place. Considering the people were either Tiano or Arwakan and never had a clear group consensus on what the island was called, this leads me to believe that this island was going to have many conflicts. 1791 was a big years for all Haitians who lived in Haiti at the time. This was the very start of the Haitian Revolution. Originally called St. Domingue Haitian slaves picked sugar and coffee for many years making it one of the most profitable colonies in the Americas. Lasting for about 13 years this revolution is sometimes called the greatest slave rebellions in the western hemisphere. The rebellion started in 1791 and by about 1803 slaves had gained their freedom back. Not only did they get their freedom back, but they also completely eliminated French control over the colony. The French never officially recognized Haitian independence until about 1825, and the US never recognized it until about 1862. There was a fear that France would re-invade Haiti, and take back leadership but for some reason that n