The Black Death was an epidemic that lasted from 1346 to 1353 across Europe which killed an outrageous one-third to a half of the population and disappeared in the late 14th century. It was one of the most catastrophic diseases in human history. The Black Death first emerged on the shores of Italy in 1347 . The term of "Black Death was not used until the middle of the sixteenth century and contemporaries called it the "pestilence . The plague was also very deadly because it was not limited by gender, age, or species and could attack in three different forms while causing the destruction of society and the economy. These of which are the bubonic, pneumonic, and the septicemic plagues. The bubonic plague was the most common of the three plagues and it can't be passed on through humans. This type of plague is spread through fleas. The flea feeds off the blood of infected rodents, usually rats, and sends bacteria into the blood of its hosts. The bacterium that causes the infection is known as Yersinia Pestis . Each flea passes the bacteria when they bite into humans. It can also be spread by the passing of infected Yersinia materials directly enter the human or animal body through a wound. Louis Sanctus states throughout his letters that there are different symptoms for each of the three plagues . This disease gets its name through the swellings of lymph nodes, or buboes, which can appear on the hosts' neck, groin, or armpits, wherever the flea infected them and these were the first signs of that accompanied the disease . The lymph nodes become extremely painful and swollen with pus. Doctors had discovered that infections were in the lungs of its victims and they had coughed up blood . With the average time for symptoms to appear, around two days to a week. Aberth states that the swellings are accompanied by high fever, vomiting, delirium, headaches, loss of motor control, and bleeding just below the skin. The swellings, also known as tumors, can be very small or very large. Death typically occurred within three to six days after symptoms appeared but around ten to forty percent of people actually survived the disease . The septicemic plague was transmitted through a direct invasion and poisoning of the blood, just like the bubonic plague, or it was could be spread through a direct contact with a flea bite, known as Pulex irritans and the three hosts that it could survive in were humans, rats, and other fleas . The flea infects its host by biting the victim many times which spreads the plague to the host. The