
Letter to the First Year Composition Committee

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Dear First Year Composition Assessment Committee, At the beginning of English 1010, I thought my writing skills were not up to par with the other students and that this would be a hard class. As the semester progressed I noticed that I improved on both my writing and grammatical skills. This was my first college writing course that gave me more freedom with writing than I had in high school. I have learned a great deal this semester and plan on using what I learned to help me get through my next intensive writing course. The chapters we read in our book The Call to Write has helped me understand the do’s and don’ts of writing particular essays. The book contained example articles and essays of the topics the class were to write on and they helped me understand how the essay was to be written. The readings were a great source of information for me to refer back to when writing the final drafts of my essays. Being able to read my classmates papers was very helpful for me and my classmates too. I was intrigued by the different topics my classmates were writing about and what their opinions were. I have always been a great peer reviewer of other peoples work unlike my own. The advices I was giving my classmates would have also benefited me when writing my own paper. The peer reviews I got for my paper were very helpful and I tried my best to take all of their advice and apply it to my paper. Any information that I got from my classmates and instructor were very helpful in understanding my paper or correcting them. The essay that was the easiest to write to me was the review. This essay was the easiest because I got to compare and contrast two websites that pertained to my major from two different universities. I enjoyed writing about the positive and negative aspects of the websites and how they could make their website better. This paper allowed my audience to understand which website would be the best to learn about the b

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