Many people think with the way the world has become, The American Dream is no longer achievable. The American Dream can be envisioned differently by each citizen of America. With that being the case; The American Dream can certainly be achieved by everyone then! It can be defined as the idea of freedom, equality, and opportunity achieved by anyone who is determined and works hard for their dream. This dream started about when immigrants became coming to America seeking freedom and new opportunities which is still around today. Set on by who you are and what your dream is, The American Dream is still achievable by all, but can be harder to attain for some more than others. America was founded on freedom, which attracted people to want to come to America to fulfill their dreams that their home countries kept them from attaining because of specific laws. One example of this is, my great grandpa Phil coming to America from Italy to achieve many things, like purchasing businesses that he could have never even thought of even starting in Italy. Starting off at the bottom, once he became an American citizen, he began to search for a job. It was very difficult for him to find employment because of discrimination and barriers, but he eventually found one as a coal miner to begin saving money to fulfill his American dream; to start a business. Once he got enough money, he started two taverns and a shoe-store in Springfield! After many years of good service, he soon met my grandma, Sisty, sold the 3 businesses, and then moved to Meredosia. This gave him the opportunity to start up another business! He started a second shoe-store there. No matter how hard things were, my grandpa managed to overcome the struggles. At my grandpas funeral, he expressed his love for America and being able to achieve his vision of The American Dream by requesting to play America, the Beautiful. His hard work had paid off, he did not let any barriers hold him back, and