I was baptized, made my communion and I have been confirmed, but I dont know what any of these mean nor do I feel that they are important. But I have always wondered how other people could find religion so important. For example my uncle and his family go to church every Saturday, and pray every night before bed. My parents arent very religious, when we go to church for weddings and funerals they dont accept the eucharist, pray or do anything besides sit quietly and respect others participating. Ive always felt that I was just as morally decent as someone that goes to church, but, Is religion all that important to a persons morality? For me to answer this I really need to explore why people feel as if they need religion. In 8 Reasons People Embrace Religion, he describes that people believe in religion for sense of togetherness (Pepper). Early humans and chimpanzees lived in small groups of 100-150 people/chimps, its believed that believing in the same rules and guidelines of a religion caused a sense of needing one another and the need not to kill each other but to work together. Religion sets the standard and the same common goal among the religious followers. For Christians the goal is to follow in Jesus footsteps and do good moral things to be accepted into heaven. Pepper also thinks that its a person or leader to put faith and trust into without judgment. My grandma always said God is listening and for some people that is a reassuring thing, that there is someone to listen to just like a best friend. But if the goal is to reach heaven would we all be comfortable having God knowing all of our thoughts and actions. To me Heaven is a very exclusive club with God as the bouncer, and not even the greatest fake ids can get past him. He knows when people dont save themselves for marriage or when people use his name in vein. How are we supposed to trust God when we feel as if one wrong move and we go straight to hell? So Im further confused; is having