
Morality of Abortion

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Morality is the opinion of oneself and the action of what seems right and just to you. Most people get their moral code as early into their childhood days and up through their teen years from parents or guardians. Religion plays a large role when it come to what the person really believes in. Many peoples moral codes are really in fact the influences that religion has on them. Abortion is the act of deliberately stopping a pregnancy usually executed by pills. Abortion is a widely argued issue being discussed just about everywhere. There are two sides to abortion the pro abortion side believes that it should be legal in the rights of the mother. The other side which believes that abortion should be completely illegal. The side which believes that Abortion should be legal gives many reasons to support their opinion. An example of the pro abortion side in the debate believes that a women should have the right to decide for themselves on proceeding in having the baby. This side also believes that its just because fetuses really can't feel the pain of the abortion taking place. Also believe that its right because fetuses cannot live independently and an abortion is really the discontinuation of a pregnancy. A life of a person starts at the time when they are born which is the birth date, so they support that an abortion is really not taking away a life they think that it hasn't started until they are able to live independently without needing the life supply of a mothers internals. This side also supports the statement that says no one should be brought into this world not being wanted by their parents. The side that believes that abortion should be illegal has a very different perspective than what the opposing side supports. The side that disagrees with abortion believes that abortion can be considered murder by federal law. The federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act; which was placed "to protect unborn children from assault and murder,"

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