?Justin McAlpin ENG209 Christine Harker 12 Oct 2014 Sleeping Beauty Analysis Sleeping Beauty is a common Fairy Tale that many grow up learning or even watching in movie form. There are many versions of this Fairy Tale which could led to many different interpretations of the plot and tale. With the Structuralists view on literature and their way of analyzing a text, one can better understand the plot of this tale, even with the differences in the many ways it is told. Structuralists call for binaries in their analysis of literature, and within Sleepy Beauty many binaries can be found. The two correlating binaries that seem to correlate with the entirety of the fable is gift/forfeit and blessed/unfortunate. The two binaries are seen throughout the story and fit with the plot. If we are to take these binaries and begin to read and analysis the fable, we can see that it begins with the binary blessed/unfortunate. In this version of the fable, we start with a King and a Queen who are unfortunate in the sense that they do not have a child, but “said every day, ‘Ah, if only we had a child,’ but they never had one.” Then, one day when the Queen was taking a bath, she was blessed when her wish was granted by a frog that appeared on the land and told the Queen that within the year her and the King’s wish will have a daughter. After a year, the frog’s words had come true and the Queen was blessed with a daughter, a gift to her and the king one could even point out. The Queen and King’s newborn child can be seen as a gift from the frog. The frog comes to up the land it is said and it states, “Your wish will be fulfilled, before a year has gone by, you shall have a daughter.” The Queen did have a little girl, and her wish fulfilled as the frog told her.The King and Queen held a splendorous feast for the birth of his daughter and invited all his family, friends, acquaintances, and the wise women of his kingdom. Sadly for the